Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Polar Vortex….
Chiberia is back!  Wow it is really putting a cramp in my style!  I was glad I got out Sunday before the freezing weather hit again!  I want to be outside running in my new pair of New Balance running shoes!  There is nothing like a new pair of shoes to get me motivated and I am stuck on the treadmill! I am grateful to have the treadmill for this extreme weather, but it is starting to get boring!  I also miss commuting around town on my bike!  I did ride a few weeks ago and took a spill!  I have always been fearful of the “black ice” and it got me!  My back wheel went right out from under me and it happened so fast I landed right on my butt and thank God for my helmet!  A few visits to the chiropractor and some message therapy and I am fine!  I am just more aware of the weather these days!

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