Thursday, November 26, 2009

Let’s Talk Turkey…

AHHHH the start of the Holidays!  I am sure there are so many different circumstances today, going to friends or family and you don’t want to insult your host/hostess.  I am fortunate that we hostong and have a little more control over what we are preparing!  Everybody has been asking me what am I going to eat?  Well, we are preparing everything with a lot of love, and much more healthy options.  We are smoking our turkey first and then finishing it off in the oven.  Roasting the brussel spouts with some acorn and butternut squash, sugar free cranberries (I might have a tablespoon).  We decided not to do the root vegetable gratin this year.  I don’t want to deny my husband all of his pleasures, so he is making a wild rice and mushroom side for me, and still doing his traditional cornbread stuffing for himself and the guests!   And yes, I will have just one slice of the tart tartin!  Just think of today as a test of willpower! Beware of the heavy gravys, the added sugar in the already sweet potatoes, cream in the green beans and mashed potatoes, skin on the Turkey and all the pies!  If you have to indulge do it in moderation!  Good, luck and don’t gobble, gobble!

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!!!!! Happy Thanksgiving! I love you sooo much and I am so proud of you!!! xoxo
