Friday, November 20, 2009

Weigh in...

Everyday, once a week, or do you just go by how your clothes fit? 

OK, you might think I have become obsessed but, I do weigh myself just about everyday, first thing in the morning!  There are many different opinions about this, but again, do what works for you!  "If you're easily discouraged, daily weighing might cause you to give up your attempts if you don't see rapid progress. On the other hand, if you crave control and feedback, daily weighing might satisfy more of your needs and fuel your motivation" I am not a slave to my scale, but I do like to feel more in control.  If I'm up a pound or two, I like to figure out where I might have gone wrong, it's my guideline for what I should avoid or cut back on!  My official weigh in day is Monday!  That is the day my Guru gets my diet diary and my weight.  It is a start to a brand new week with new challenges along the way!

Until Monday...
Remember keep thinking veggies and protein!

1 comment:

  1. Great blog post! So smart! I have to say I agree -- though everyone should do what works best for them, it is kind of easy to be lulled into a false sense of security if you avoid the scale. Then one pound becomes two, becomes three, and before you know it, it's ten....Knowledge is power! Getting on the scale keeps you in control of your weight!
