Thursday, January 21, 2010


I often get the questions about what I do for snacks.   In the morning I might have a grapefruit or apple.  My afternoon snack might be a snack pack of almonds, an apple, or some crudités with different types of yogurt dips. I also keep the laughing cow light cheese on hand.   A newfound favorite of mine is the Pirates Booty, but ONLY the snack pack; otherwise I could probably eat the whole bag!  I even sneak it into the movies with me!!!  I used to have my own trail mix concoction, and thought that was a healthy choice.  I had no idea how many calories are in nuts, and how much sugar is in the dried fruit.  Snack time is one of the only times I make a conscience effort to count the calories!  I try and keep snacks at about 100 calories.  As long as I stay away from the cookies and candy, I know I am making strides!

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