As I am keeping my food journal, I am also keeping track of my workouts! It is beneficial to see my progression and keep focused on my goals. In the cool, slippery months when I am working out on the indoor equipment, the treadmill and the stationary bike, I can see that just upping the level, picking up some speed, walking/running on an incline, I can see how many calories I am burning. Once I am back on the Chicago Lakefront path I have the MapMyRide app on my iPhone and I am able to gauge my distance and speed! Keeping a journal helps me focus on how I am feeling, watching my weight, facing my ups and downs and it keeps me motivated! It sounds like a lot of work, but it really isn’t once you get in the habit! Getting into a new healthy lifestyle is all about change and finding new habits! The journal also helps me remember what days I do my cardio and what days I am sculpting! I like to mix it up so I don’t get bored and being 50 forever I don’t want to do hallway lunges 2 days in a row!
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