Friday, July 30, 2010

Healthy Weight Calculator…

I forgot where I found this, but I found it fascinating and helpful!  I don’t necessarily count my calories, but this at least gives me a great indication of where I am at and what I might have to do on a given day!  Obviously I am doing something correct because I have been maintaining my weight!  I hope you can just click on the site at the bottom to get your personal calculation, it takes 2 seconds!

This is mine…

Weight Maintenance Calorie Calculator for Women. Curious as to how many calories you need to maintain your current weight? Try this calorie calculator to find out.
Height in feet: inches: 5 ft 4”
(Note: You must enter a number in the inches box. If you are exactly 5 ft. or 6 ft., enter "0.")
Weight in pounds:  120
Age:  53
Activity level (choose):  Moderate Exercise/Activity
Calories per day needed to maintain current weight:  1807

(This calorie calculator is meant to be an estimate only. Actual calories needed to maintain weight may vary based on muscle mass, activity and a variety of other factors such as illness, pregnancy, etc. If you are obese, your actual caloric needs may be less accurate. This is because a small percentage of fat tissue actually burns calories. The remaining amount of fat tissue does not burn calories. Please keep this in mind when using the calculator.)

By consuming these calories on an average daily basis, you should maintain your weight. However, if you are looking to lose weight, here are some tips:

Most health professionals recommend slow weight loss as the safest and most effective approach. A sensible weight-loss program allows you to lose weight gradually -- about one-half to one pound per week. Gradual weight loss promotes long-term loss of body fat, not just water weight that can be quickly regained.

To lose one pound, a person must burn 3,500 calories more than are consumed (500 calories per day over the course of a week). For example, reducing calories by 300 per day and increasing daily activity to burn off an additional 200 calories should result in a weight loss of one pound per week.

Here is an example of how the calculator can help you. If your daily calorie needs were calculated as 2500 calories and you desire to lose weight, you could:

      1. Consume 2200 calories. (That's 300 calories less than this example diet), and
      2. Burn 200 calories through activity, to result in a 2000-calorie diet!
(Be sure to use the Exercise Calculator to determine the different ways that you can burn 200 calories)!

Until Monday – keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Beer, not always just for drinking…

Instead of being tempted to drink the beer, try some of these uses!

Soften hair and add body with a beer shampoo.  Mix a raw egg and half a can of beer and message it into your hair:  rinse and style

For an excellent conditioner; message a cup of warm beer into your hair and scalp after washing and allow it to set for half an hour or so.  Rinse thoroughly

Pour the half-filled bottles and cups of beer left from a party onto houseplants and garden vegetables for the nourishment the yeast adds to the soil.

To rid your garden of slugs, put a shallow dish of beer into your soil, buried up to the lip.  The slugs will become stuck in it.  Refill with new beer daily.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I don’t own a set of these YET!  But I do love using them when I am invited to go to a friend’s gym! 

Working out with kettlebells is the latest fitness craze, and for good reason. Kettlebell workouts can get you total-body toning, increased cardiovascular fitness, core strengthening and improved posture and balance—without a big time investment.

Instead of isolating muscle groups as you do when lifting dumbbells, you work all your major muscle groups at once with a kettlebell. That's because you have to work continuously to control the bell's shifting center of gravity as you move it around your body.

The result: Major—and quick—calorie-burn. A recent study by the American Council on Exercise found that the average kettlebell workout burns 20 calories a minutes—that's a whopping 600 calories in 30 minutes. "So, a half-hour kettlebell workout three times a week is going to produce really fantastic results!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Turmeric: A spice for a healthy Life…

Turmeric, a tawny orange-gold spice that is an integral part of curry powder and yellow mustard, has been garnering some nice press lately and not just among foodies. 

Its health benefits, from aiding digestion and easing inflammation, have caught the attention of researchers!

Turmeric does more than turn foods yellow!  But be careful it will stain your counters and kitchen sink if you are not careful, well, scrubbing it out might help burn some calories!!  When used without being heated, turmeric will impart a floral, almost grass-like taste.  Once cooked, it will develop a woody scent, but be careful when heating turmeric so you don’t burn it! 

I am just getting familiar with turmeric and used it last week for the first time in the recipe for okra lovers.  I know I will be using more of it in the future!

Monday, July 26, 2010


I loved this article on getting an energy boost!  I even keep a bottle of sriracha at work to spice up my lunch.  I have been known to make a vinaigrette so spicy, not knowing the heat from our own peppers we are growing, that even I couldn’t eat it!  (I did make little frozen cubes out of it and now use a cube or two for future vinaigrettes).  Thank you Shape Magazine!  Spice it up everyone; kick it up a notch or two!

According to a recent study from Australia's University of Tasmania, people who added chili paste to their lunch experienced steadier blood sugar levels throughout the afternoon than those who didn't spice up their meals. A substance in peppers called capsaicin helps metabolize food, making it readily available to the body as energy, say researchers.

In fact, hot peppers have traditionally been used for this purpose in the Caribbean. Barbados-born Rihanna often revs up before concerts by eating a super spicy chicken soup with habaƱero and Serrano peppers, says Ameera Leguex, a Los Angeles chef who creates fiery dishes for the singer. An easy way to add heat: "Sprinkle air-popped popcorn with cayenne pepper and paprika."

Friday, July 23, 2010


Don’t invite extra calories on the weekend!  Many people treat the weekend as a time to indulge after a tough week!  The high calorie drinks on a Friday night.  The popcorn and candy at a Saturday matinee.  Saturday night out with your friends and don’t forget, Sunday brunch with family or friends.  This might cause the Monday morning regret and frustration, cursing yourself for all those extra calories and wondering how you are ever going to achieve your goal!

I am quite the opposite!  I eat healthy on the weekends.  I just have a tendency to skip meals!  During the week I am in such a routine that eating, and eating healthy is almost second nature.  I usually have all my meals planned in advance.  Yet, sometimes, there are those days, when the pizza lunches are decided on a whim and people bring in their leftover goodies that they don’t want in their own homes, the cookies, cakes and candies.  I can more or less keep that under control! It is the weekends that I have a hard time!  I can sleep a little later, go for a run a little later and before you know it – I skipped breakfast and on to lunch!  I also at times forget to take my vitamins.  In my diet log I register this as brunch with a lot of snacking!  My only saving grace is that we do not keep any temptations in the house!  Whatever I might snack on is at least healthy!  There are those weekends that it seems that all I am doing is cooking, portioning and freezing future meals.  Again, it is healthy sampling and snacking! 

Weekends have become the time to get things done, run all those errands and get those long mile runs in!  Instead of going out, we tend to entertain at home and that of course gives you more control of what you are eating, rather then going out and having the pressure of second guessing your food and the pier pressure!  But of course there are social obligations and special occasions and again as I have said before… remember meal to meal!!!

Until Monday – keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Grilling and summer, I just love it!  It’s all so tasty and healthy!!!  OK, so I don’t have as many pots and pans to clean!  Best if all it keeps the oven off in the house and allows for a cooler environment!  Oh I forgot to mention, Bob is the Grill Master!  I have come a long way with my cooking, but grilling, I will leave to Bob!  It must be a mental block for me, like driving a stick shift!  I will leave it to the men in my life!!!

Is there anything you can’t grill?  I can’t think of a thing!  We have had an entire salad done on the grill!  A trip to the local farmers market with grilling on the mind!  A bounty of fresh romaine and radicchio lettuces, carrots, asparagus, zucchini, eggplant, squash, bell peppers, spring onions, mushrooms, garlic and tomatoes.  Oh my! What protein do we add to this, a lean steak, pork tenderloin, chicken breast, shrimp, scallops or tuna? Don’t forget tying out some fruits on the grill! It is just endless!

I will even use some of the vegetables for the vinaigrette that will accompany this fresh, flavorful, healthy delight!  Grab those zero calorie vinegars, some fresh herbs, spices and maybe a slice of grilled pepper, onion and garlic and blend away!

My mouth is watering!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sports Drinks…

I know it’s hot and exercise is definitely more challenging!  Another thing to be careful of are the sports drinks out there.  After a major, sweaty workout I go for a FUZE, but only the 10 calories per serving and most of the time I even add more water them!  I especially like the Fuze, “empower”, the goji wild berry flavor! 

There are so many varieties of sports/energy drinks out there!  So many of these drinks are packed with sugars, which translates to empty calories, which results in a fatter you!  Just think you can save 200 calories by switching from the regular Vitamin Water to the zero calorie Vitamin Water!  Ha Ha! I know I can even save 10 calories by switching over to the vitamin Water!  I just need to switch it up at times and now I am into the FUZE!  The main thing is that they are all bunched together on the grocery store shelves.  The flavors all sound so wonderful and so tempting and it is easy to grab the higher calorie drinks instead of the zero to lower ones!  SO BUYER BEWARE!!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Summertime temptations…

OK, we are more active in the summer, and we might be burning more calories, but what about the temptations of a nice cold beer, the walk up to your favorite ice cream parlor or the many barbecues!  Every season has its demons!

You can do it!!!

Small changes can have a powerful impact on your health and will allow you to enjoy the tastes of the season without the quilt!  Again, some of these are treats and moderation is the key!

Instead of ice cream – go for a frozen yogurt, which is definitely lower in calories and fat but still beware of the sugar!  There are so many yogurt places to choose from these days! You can easily go online to check them out ahead of time.  Just be careful of what you put on it, when in doubt, go plain yogurt and add only FRESH berries.

At BBQ’s, go for the healthy options that are offered.  I know the hot dogs and hamburgers are so tempting, but most people will add chicken to their menus these days.  With the chicken you can also eliminate the bun and some of the high caloric condiments!  When in doubt – opt for mustard instead of any mayo or ketchup!  Hopefully the grilled vegetables won’t be coated with any oil, and the salads won’t be heavily dressed in oil or mayo based dressings!

For me, on those hot summer nights, I really miss having an iced cold beer on the patio while Bob is grilling!  Sometimes red wine just doesn’t cut it with the heat!  I allow this to happen so seldom that I will savior every sip of that one beer I might have 4 times over the course of summer season!

Drink plenty of water and keep in mind – calories in and calories out!  As I have said many times, focus on the meal to meal theory – if you stray, be extra good the next meal!  Summertime is also deserves some fun time!!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Okra lovers…

I know not everyone likes okra, it’s a texture thing I’m sure! But if you do, this recipe will certainly thrill you! You can easily serve it with just about anything, shrimp, pork tenderloin and of course chicken!

Indian-style Okra and Tomatillos
6 servings

2 tablespoons vegetable oil
(we skip this and use the spray for any kind of sautƩing, which of course also will lower the calories)
1/2 cup coarsely chopped onion
2 teaspoons ground turmeric
1 pound tomatillos, husked, washed, quartered
3/4  pound okra, sliced 1/2-inch thick
2 Plum tomatoes, chopped
1 Jalapeno, seeded, minced
1 Teaspoon grated fresh ginger
1/4-cup water
1/2-teaspoon salt
1/3 cup chopped cilantro

Heat oil in a skillet over medium heat; add onion and turmeric.  Cook, stirring, 3 minutes.  Add tomatillos and okra; cook over medium-high heat, stirring until browned and vegetables begin to soften, about 5 minute.  Stir in tomatoes, jalapeno, ginger and water; season with salt.  Simmer over low heat until okra is tender and most of the liquid has evaporated, about 8 minutes.  Add cilantro.

Nutrition information
Per serving: 92 calories, 49% of calories from 5, 5g fat, 1g saturated fat, 0 mg cholesterol, 11 g carbs, 2 g protein, 201 mg sodium, 4 g fiber
Okra is low in calories and is a good source of many nutrients including vitamin B6 and C, fiber, calcium, and folic acid. 

Friday, July 16, 2010

A new product for me…

OK, I usually don’t go for the packaged foods, but I found these veggie burgers at Whole Foods.  I first tried them at the National Restaurant Association’s big trade show in May, I got a coupon and I said – why not!  They are actually pretty good!  I followed the directions for the stove-top instructions, got out a slice of protein bread, cut up a tomato and some cucumber, smeared on some Dijon mustard and it was the perfect brunch!

Straight form the website;

Carols farm fresh vegetarian burgers are not meant to be a beef imitation but an excellent flavor sensation of their own. Because Carol’s burgers were so well loved and her family and friends raved about them, Sunshine Burger Company was born.

Sunshine Burgers taste great on a bun, in a pocket pita or in a sandwich wrap, add your favorite condiments and veggies. Excellent on the grill or stove-top.

Ground raw sun-flower seeds
Brown rice
Sea Salt

(1 patty = 190 calories, 13g total fat, 1.5g saturated fat, 320g sodium, 14g total carbs, 3g dietary fiber, 2g sugar, 8g protein)

Until Monday – keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, July 15, 2010


On those days that you just need a little bit more then plain old water, my new favorite thirst quencher is the metromint water!  Don’t even waste your time on the other flavors!  Just go for chocolatemint!  I was really wowed by this product and lucky me – Whole Foods had them on sale – 4 for $5.

“Metromint chocolatemint is unlike anything you have ever tasted. The “all natural” combination of pure water, mint and cocoa essence relieves your thirst, soothes your body and revives your soul.  It’s a real chocolate and mint experience without the guilt of sweeteners.  The mint naturally stimulates the nerves, instantly opening your senses to send a fresh, cool feeling throughout your body.”

I couldn’t have said it any better!!!!

More about the company…

We start with the best mint in the world. Real mint. Fresh, flavorful, pesticide-free mint grown in Washington State's Yakima Valley. We treat the mint using a double-distillation process that steams the leaves until we reach the true essence of the mint. We test for taste, and then test again for purity.

Our water is purified using reverse-osmosis, a process that saves all the good stuff and filters out the bad, including salts, impurities, and particles as small as an ion. What's left is a blank canvas, so that we can showcase the taste of mint.

When it comes to Metromint, our dedication to purity is so high we couldn't trust just anyone to bottle Metromint. So we bought our own bottling plant and converted it to a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility. Every bottle that rolls off the Metromint bottling line is laser etched with an honest, easy-to-read freshness date stamp.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Beat the heat…

Yes indeed it’s hot out there!  It’s really hard to get motivated in this heat and humidity for any activity!  But, you have that race coming up, whether it is your first 5K or a marathon, you have to keep training!  I try and get outside as soon as it is light out, around 5:30am, you would be surprised how reasonably pleasant it is that early!  Acclimatization is an important way to train your body to work efficiently in the heat. Normally it takes 9-14 days to acclimate, but it takes less time for conditioned athletes, and changes occur in just a few days.

Wear lightweight, loose fabrics to reflect the sun's rays and to allow air to circulate.  Some fabrics are even made with SPF fabric and fibers that are made to wick away moisture.

Mainly, just take it easy, do what you can!   Listen to your body for any warning signs of heat stress before you get out there to prepare yourself. These are: muscle cramps, thirst, profuse sweating, fatigue, headache, and weakness.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Grounds for Debate…

Whether you realize it or not, you might already be waking up to an effective natural metabolism booster. The caffeine naturally present in coffee raises metabolism and can improve fat oxidation. Drinking a cup before exercise can also improve alertness and help fight fatigue. 

I do have my cup of java every morning!  It is the start of my day, my daily routine, and my wake-up call!  It has been just recently that I actually started drinking my coffee before I hit the path running or biking.  My coffee is prepared in a French press and I only add one splenda, no extras – sorry Starbucks!  Give me my Venti of caffeine - I don’t need any extra “room”.

Recent research suggests caffeine could help protect against cognitive decline and other dementia.  Large clinical trials are still needed!

Large doses of caffeine can exaggerate blood sugar problems with people who are already struggling with diabetes.  It can also increase blood pressure, increase anxiety and contribute to insomnia.

So like everything in life – moderation is the key element! 

Monday, July 12, 2010

White Gazpacho…

Summertime and hot, hot weather go hand in hand.  The last thing you want to do is turn on the oven and have something hot!  Thank you chef Tim for this wonderful, refreshing take on gazpacho.  I did make some minor adjustments to the original recipe. 

Here it is.

4 – 6oz servings

3 1/2 cups peeled and chopped cucumber
1/2 cup white onion chopped
White pepper, ground – to taste (I like a lot)
Salt – to taste
1/4 cup of olive oil
1/3 cup of bread crumbs, no crust
1/2 cup of Marcona almonds, crushed
(If you can’t find Marcona, substitute with regular almonds)
1/3 cup of champagne vinegar (or any white wine zero calorie vinegar)
1/2 cup of sparkling water
1/2 cup of seedless grapes

Combine all ingredients, mix and let sit over night in the refrigerator.  Puree with blender and if you want it extra smooth pass through a medium holed strainer.  I like it more on the chunky side.  You can garnish with some halved grapes, chopped cucumber and chopped cilantro if you want!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Beet Chips…

Don’t they look so yummy and how hard could they be to make?  Ha ha, my first attempt was not that successful at all, some were crisp and some were soggy.  I know I will be going to get more beets at the farmers market again this weekend for another attempt!  I am now obsessed with getting these right!  “If you don’t succeed the first time, try, try again!”

Here is the recipe…

Serves 4

    * 2 medium beets (used red and golden)
    * 1-teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil  (I substituted by using my spray pump and spraying the sheet pans and beets)


   1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees, with racks in upper and lower thirds. Peel beets and slice 1/16 inch thick with a mandoline. In a large bowl, toss beets with extra-virgin olive oil.
   2. On two rimmed baking sheets (or use one sheet and bake in two batches), arrange beets in a single layer. Stack another rimmed baking sheet on top of each. Bake until edges of beets begin to dry out, about 20 minutes. Uncover and rotate sheets. Bake 10 to 20 minutes, removing chips as they become lightened in color. Transfer to a wire rack; chips will crisp up as they cool.

Until Monday – keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Broccoli Slaw…

Another cool and refreshing summertime treat and so easy!

Broccoli slaw is a form of coleslaw made with broccoli, instead of the more traditional cabbage.   The flavor of broccoli and cabbage slaws is very similar, although the substitution results in a much more nutritious slaw with a slightly spicier flavor than that of a slaw made with cabbage. 

PER SERVING (3 oz., 1 cup): 25 calories, 0g fat, 25mg sodium, 5g carbs, 3g fiber, 2g sugars, 2g protein

Trader Joe’s makes an organic broccoli slaw in a bag - it just can’t get any easier then that and it includes the carrots!  I do add a few extra ingredients like chopped up jalapenos and cilantro.  I make a wasabi vinaigrette.  Bob found a zero calorie raw coconut vinegar at Whole Foods!  I added some rice wine (unseasoned) vinegar, wasabi (from the tube), some ginger powder (we didn’t have any fresh), salt and pepper to taste and there you have it!  A great, healthy, crunchy and refreshing side dish!  The leftovers will be added to any salad we have the next day!

As an added bonus tip…
broccoli appears to be less prone to inducing flatulence than cabbage, for people who have experienced undesirable gastrointestinal effects after consuming raw cabbage.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Maximize Your Metabolism….

The more you move, the more muscles you use, the more calories you burn and the more fat you lose!  It’s called the “metabolic afterburn” effect.  This is when your metabolic set point remains increased for up to 24 hours post-exercise.  That means you actually continue burning more calories long after your exercise is over.  The more muscles you use during an exercise movement, the faster you can get into shape.  Yoga happens to be the best exercise because it does use the most muscle movements!  Multi-directional movement for optimum results I am a fan of yoga, but unfortunately do not do it often enough and I get frustrated because I am not the most flexible person!  The key ingredient here really is – just keep on moving!!!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Soda Pop…

Soda has certainly been given a bad rap (well deserved) and has been consistently all over the news about being a big contributor to the obesity problem of the world! Here are a few suggestions to get rid of whatever you might have left in your pantry or refrigerator, kind of scary!
  • Clean car battery terminals by pouring soda over battery terminals and let it set.  Remove the residue with a damp sponge.
  • Loosen rusted-on nuts and bolts by wrapping a pop-soaked rag around the bolt for several minutes.   
  • Make flowers last longer by pouring about a half cup into the water
  • Clear a slow drain by pouring a 2-liter bottle of cola down it.
Keep drinking plenty of water!!!!!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy Birthday America!

4th of July and watermelon go hand in hand!  Low in calories, one cup of diced watermelon is approximately 46 calories, not too expensive and it’s 92 percent water…which quenches your thirst and fills you up on a hot summer day!  A Holiday treat!

Friday, July 2, 2010


Waiting too long between meals and snacks can leave you feeling wiped out. If you're ravenous, that most likely means your blood sugar is low and you will also be more likely to make poor food decisions and overeat.  So True, and it still happens to me!  I am not allowed to go anywhere near a food market if I am hungry!  Besides over stocking our cupboards, the grazing can get out of control!  I also try and have a healthy snack before going to any event with passed hors d’oeuvres!  I was so happy to be able to pass on the scallops wrapped in bacon with some mayo based dipping sauce, or those deep fried chicken-fingers with some honey mustard dipping sauce!  A slice of protein bread with a smear of almond butter is just the snack to keep me satisfied before the main event! 

Also, remember to stop eating before you are full!

Until Monday – keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Eat A Peach…

Besides being a burst of juicy sweetness, peaches don’t raise blood sugar levels and they are very low in calories.  One medium peach is approximately 58 calories! The fruit has a gentle laxative effect and they are also rich in iron and potassium.

It’s that time of year and I am in peach heaven! I love them as they are and if we do have the grill already turned on – what the hell, cut the peach in half and grill it!  Try stuffing them with some fat free feta cheese and sprinkle some white pepper on them!  It’s indescribably delicious!!!