On those days that you just need a little bit more then plain old water, my new favorite thirst quencher is the metromint water! Don’t even waste your time on the other flavors! Just go for chocolatemint! I was really wowed by this product and lucky me – Whole Foods had them on sale – 4 for $5.
“Metromint chocolatemint is unlike anything you have ever tasted. The “all natural” combination of pure water, mint and cocoa essence relieves your thirst, soothes your body and revives your soul. It’s a real chocolate and mint experience without the guilt of sweeteners. The mint naturally stimulates the nerves, instantly opening your senses to send a fresh, cool feeling throughout your body.”
I couldn’t have said it any better!!!!
More about the company…
We start with the best mint in the world. Real mint. Fresh, flavorful, pesticide-free mint grown in Washington State's Yakima Valley. We treat the mint using a double-distillation process that steams the leaves until we reach the true essence of the mint. We test for taste, and then test again for purity.
Our water is purified using reverse-osmosis, a process that saves all the good stuff and filters out the bad, including salts, impurities, and particles as small as an ion. What's left is a blank canvas, so that we can showcase the taste of mint.
When it comes to Metromint, our dedication to purity is so high we couldn't trust just anyone to bottle Metromint. So we bought our own bottling plant and converted it to a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility. Every bottle that rolls off the Metromint bottling line is laser etched with an honest, easy-to-read freshness date stamp.
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