Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Summertime temptations…

OK, we are more active in the summer, and we might be burning more calories, but what about the temptations of a nice cold beer, the walk up to your favorite ice cream parlor or the many barbecues!  Every season has its demons!

You can do it!!!

Small changes can have a powerful impact on your health and will allow you to enjoy the tastes of the season without the quilt!  Again, some of these are treats and moderation is the key!

Instead of ice cream – go for a frozen yogurt, which is definitely lower in calories and fat but still beware of the sugar!  There are so many yogurt places to choose from these days! You can easily go online to check them out ahead of time.  Just be careful of what you put on it, when in doubt, go plain yogurt and add only FRESH berries.

At BBQ’s, go for the healthy options that are offered.  I know the hot dogs and hamburgers are so tempting, but most people will add chicken to their menus these days.  With the chicken you can also eliminate the bun and some of the high caloric condiments!  When in doubt – opt for mustard instead of any mayo or ketchup!  Hopefully the grilled vegetables won’t be coated with any oil, and the salads won’t be heavily dressed in oil or mayo based dressings!

For me, on those hot summer nights, I really miss having an iced cold beer on the patio while Bob is grilling!  Sometimes red wine just doesn’t cut it with the heat!  I allow this to happen so seldom that I will savior every sip of that one beer I might have 4 times over the course of summer season!

Drink plenty of water and keep in mind – calories in and calories out!  As I have said many times, focus on the meal to meal theory – if you stray, be extra good the next meal!  Summertime is also deserves some fun time!!!

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