Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I don’t own a set of these YET!  But I do love using them when I am invited to go to a friend’s gym! 

Working out with kettlebells is the latest fitness craze, and for good reason. Kettlebell workouts can get you total-body toning, increased cardiovascular fitness, core strengthening and improved posture and balance—without a big time investment.

Instead of isolating muscle groups as you do when lifting dumbbells, you work all your major muscle groups at once with a kettlebell. That's because you have to work continuously to control the bell's shifting center of gravity as you move it around your body.

The result: Major—and quick—calorie-burn. A recent study by the American Council on Exercise found that the average kettlebell workout burns 20 calories a minutes—that's a whopping 600 calories in 30 minutes. "So, a half-hour kettlebell workout three times a week is going to produce really fantastic results!

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