Friday, July 2, 2010


Waiting too long between meals and snacks can leave you feeling wiped out. If you're ravenous, that most likely means your blood sugar is low and you will also be more likely to make poor food decisions and overeat.  So True, and it still happens to me!  I am not allowed to go anywhere near a food market if I am hungry!  Besides over stocking our cupboards, the grazing can get out of control!  I also try and have a healthy snack before going to any event with passed hors d’oeuvres!  I was so happy to be able to pass on the scallops wrapped in bacon with some mayo based dipping sauce, or those deep fried chicken-fingers with some honey mustard dipping sauce!  A slice of protein bread with a smear of almond butter is just the snack to keep me satisfied before the main event! 

Also, remember to stop eating before you are full!

Until Monday – keep thinking veggies and protein!

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