Yes indeed it’s hot out there! It’s really hard to get motivated in this heat and humidity for any activity! But, you have that race coming up, whether it is your first 5K or a marathon, you have to keep training! I try and get outside as soon as it is light out, around 5:30am, you would be surprised how reasonably pleasant it is that early! Acclimatization is an important way to train your body to work efficiently in the heat. Normally it takes 9-14 days to acclimate, but it takes less time for conditioned athletes, and changes occur in just a few days.
Wear lightweight, loose fabrics to reflect the sun's rays and to allow air to circulate. Some fabrics are even made with SPF fabric and fibers that are made to wick away moisture.
Mainly, just take it easy, do what you can! Listen to your body for any warning signs of heat stress before you get out there to prepare yourself. These are: muscle cramps, thirst, profuse sweating, fatigue, headache, and weakness.
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