Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Best Short-on-Time Exercise: Walking Stairs...

Can't fit in a workout? Trainers recommend that you hit the stairs. "Without taking any extra time, you can take the stairs instead of the elevator—which usually takes just as long to arrive anyway," suggested one trainer. Plus you can do it at work, home, shopping, even when you're traveling.
Walking stairs gets your heart rate up, strengthens your lower body, improves posture, helps prevent osteoporosis (it's a weight bearing exercise, so it helps build bone), and improves stamina. You'll also burn about 45 calories walking up and down stairs for 5 minutes.  I try and make these little efforts when I don’t have the time for my full workout routine.  Once I have to start taking the bus to work again, I try to walk and extra few blocks out of the way to gain that little bit of extra movement!  Especially after a long day, sitting at my desk!

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