Wednesday, September 8, 2010

You’re an e-mail addict...

I thought this was so appropriate, especially in this day and age, when we have become so accustomed to e-mailing, texting, any kind of instant messaging as the list goes on and on!
The number of calories you burn e-mailing a coworker?  Five.  The number it takes to walk over to them?  Eleven.  Multiply that by how often this scenario plays out in a week (roughly a bazillion), and you see how tech squelches your activity level!
FIX IT!  Slip movement into your entire day, not only your workout schedule.  Stand up when you are talking on the phone, and deliver at least five messages a day in person.  You can torch about 100 calories daily this way!  That’s enough to burn off nearly a pound a month!
I do make it point and manage to get my butt up out of my chair and take a walk when I am at the office!  I try to be a social, without being disruptive! I think there should be one day a week set aside that you have to actually have a verbal conversation with people instead of e-mailing or texting!  I strongly feel society is losing the ability to communicate!

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