Friday, September 3, 2010

Eat At Least Three Kinds of Nutrient-dense Food at Each Meal...
Don't eat just one food per meal, such as a slice of toasted protein bread for breakfast. Add two more foods: an omega 3 egg and some greens. Don't choose just a salad for lunch. Add grilled chicken and some black beans. For dinner, enjoy smoked salmon with broccoli and a yogurt dill sauce. Two-thirds of the meal should be whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, and one-third low-fat meats, dairy, beans or other protein-rich foods.
Too many people eat a repetitive menu with the same 10 to 15 foods each week. I know I tend to be one of these people!  When life gets busy repetitive eating keeps life simple, minimizes decisions, and simplifies shopping.  I know I am eating healthy choices, but if not, it has potential to result in an inadequate diet and chronic fatigue. Think of it this way, the more different foods you eat, the more different types of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients you consume. A good target is 35 different foods per week. Start counting!
Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein!

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