Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Taco salad...

When I get the craving for Mexican food, and we don’t have time to make the fabulous stuffed peppers, we opt for the taco salad!

We get the 96% lean ground beef and to make things even simpler, we get the Trader Joe’s Taco Seasoning Mix!  It is something we always have on hand when Bob doesn’t have the spices, or the time to make his fabulous chili sauce.  (It really is a labor of love, and takes almost a whole day to prepare.)

So you cook up the ground beef and serve it over the lettuce of your choice, with tomatoes, cucumbers, black beans, roasted or grilled corn on the cob, carrots, green onions, bell peppers, avocados and whatever else might be in your crisper bin!  A great way to clean out the fridge!  A “sprinkle” of some Trader Joe’s LITE Shredded Mexican Blend Cheese, and some salsa for a dressing (my salsa of choice is Pace Chunky, I have tried all the high end, famous chef salsas, but I always go back to the Pace!)  and there you have it!  A quick and easy dinner!  

If you really miss the idea of “tacos”, remember you can always wrap them in lettuce instead of the tortillas for a much healthier version!  I find the salad just as satisfying and a lot less messy!

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