Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Eat the good, bad, then the ugly...
(not to be confused with the movie)

I love this tip:  Classify the food you eat as good (veggies, fruit, lean meats), bad (starches, bread), and ugly (dessert, alcohol). Fill up on the good first and then move on to the other foods.  I practice eating just “the good” at home, just about everyday!  There really isn’t much bad and ugly around the house!  But, whenever I do venture out, I always start with a salad and most of the time, that salad has a protein and is my main course!  My downfall is usually what the others surrounding me are eating, and I am most likely going to have to try something.  It could be the truffle fries, a piece of sushi, maybe a chicken wing or some pate on a toast point.  Then the real downfall - dessert!  OK, bring an extra fork and I will have a taste of that also!  I usually just want the taste of that rich, decadent food.  Trust me, these occasions are very rare and now that I am maintaining, I feel like these moments are more under control and experimental!

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