Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Heres my RAP on WRAPS....
A wrap is bound to be a lower-calorie choice than a deli sandwich, right?

Unfortunately, that's not necessarily - or even usually - the case!  You don’t have to search hard to find a few wraps that contain more than a day's worth of fat and sodium.

A wrap can be interesting and a delicious addition to a healthful lunch, if you follow these tips...

Consider halving it.  Sharing with a friend or saving half for the next day is a great way to get the wrap you desire with-out going overboard.  Get the sauces and dressings on the side.  Remember the creamy sauces and dressings can contribute a substantial amount of calories and fat.  Ask to have yours on the side so you can use it sparingly as a dip before each bite.  You'll end up eating much less.  I would forgo the sauces and dressing altogether and just go for a dijon mustard!

Be a detective.  Terms like "crispy" are a dead give away for deep-fried filling.  And prepared tuna and chicken salads usually contain more artery-clogging mayonnaise than homemade!  

If you find the urge to "rap" - just  try wrapping it all up in lettuce! 

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