Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Training story...

I used to think that a good cardio workout was all I needed!  WRONG!  It is all about a great healthy diet, strength/weight training and cardio to have a well-balanced being!  It only took me years to figure that one out!  Back in 1998 when I was training for the Chicago marathon, I found myself eating anything and everything and not putting on the weight! Funny how that works!  I was running 40 to 50 miles a week and feeling great!  My general manager at the restaurant I was working in at the time used to ask me how many chocolate fig custards I was planning on having that week so they could prep enough!  Well the joke was on me!  After the marathon, when I took a break from running, and certainly not running those long distant miles, I forgot to stop eating the anything and everything!  That was the start to my demise and before I knew it, I was starting to pack on the pounds!  Again, it is all about getting into a routine and developing great healthy habits!  I am eating so much healthier, the strength and weights training have certainly helped my running and biking!  Just get off the couch!  OK – you can watch the Olympic, because they are certainly inspirational!!!

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