I feel like this is the new “IN” vitamin and now included in any lab blood work from my doctor!
What it is: Vitamin D is known as the "sunshine vitamin." The body naturally produces the stuff when the suns rays shine upon us. Luckily, you don't need to be a sun-worshiper to get the benefits of this vitamin. Just a few minutes in the sun each day is enough to meet daily requirements.
What it does: Vitamin D is essential for helping the body absorb calcium. Not surprisingly, then, it's important for bone, hair and teeth health. It is also helpful in boosting the immune system.
Where to get it: Besides the sun, you can get vitamin D from food sources like salmon, tuna and sardines.
Living in Chicago, sometimes seeing the sun is a luxury, especially in the winter months! Thank God, I have finally developed an appreciation and love for salmon. I just can’t get enough of it! I always make sure I have enough for leftovers the next day to have in my salad. Also, starting to daydream about the Spring and Summer! For the true vitamin D = SUNSHINE!!
Until Monday… keep thinking veggies and protein!
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