Friday, February 5, 2010

Wild about Wild Rice…

But get this - it's not actually rice but rather a long-grain marsh grass seed that the Indians used to harvest by canoe!  I have been really enjoying wild rice as a side dish with my smoked pork tenderloin or smoked chicken breast.  I have been known on occasion to sprinkle some over my salad!  As much as I love the whole-wheat pasta, I can only handle it on occasion. I find my body absorbs the calories and the carbs and I automatically put on a pound or two.  Wild rice and brown rice do not have that effect on me!  But, that's just me and my relationship with most carbs.  "Wild rice towers over other grains when it comes to amounts of protein, minerals, B vitamins, folic acid, and carbohydrates. While the protein content of 1/2 cup of cooked wild rice measures 3.3 grams, that same quantity of long grain brown rice contains only 2 grams. The bonus is that the wild rice, though high in carbohydrates at 17.5 grams, has only 83 calories for 1/2 cup cooked, almost 25% less then brown rice! "  I have portioned out my 1/2 cup servings and they are lined up in my freezer.  You can always add the mushrooms or other veggies when you are ready to re-heat!  Wild rice and shitake mushrooms – a match made in heaven!

Until Monday… remember those veggies and protein!

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