Saturday was the big race and it felt so great to get back into the Chicago race circuit! I now want to sign up for a half marathon and just trying to figure out which one I want to do! I just have to say that these running events are getting a bit pricey! The Soldier Field 10 miler was worth every penny of the $60.00 entry fee! Thank you Fleet Feet for putting on one of the most organized racing events ever!
One of the most important things I did to prepare myself for the race was I started really hydrating on the Wednesday before the race. I try and drink a lot of water everyday, but I really had to make some strides starting on Wednesday even if it meant getting up from my desk ever 20 minutes to pee!
Friday night I had a friend over for dinner and I made the steamed Halibut with whole-wheat couscous, (see blog 2/9/10). In the past my pre-race dinner would have been a big carbohydrate overload! A nice glass of red wine to help me relax, fresh blueberries and yogurt for desert, and then early to bed for hopefully a rest full nights sleep!
Race day, up at 4am with high anxiety and great anticipation I had my morning addiction of java and a slice of protein bread with a smear of raspberry jam (1 tsp = 30 calories, 0 fat 8g of carbs and sugar)! Some race day jitters, some final decisions on what to wear and what to bring, I was ready to go! My friend picked me up at 6am because who knew what kind of traffic we might encounter! It was fine with me to get there early! We were able to have the professional’s stretch us out which is always a treat!
Standing at the start line, the adrenalin flowing, getting my music playlist going and just waiting for the starting gun to sound and off we go! All in all almost a perfect race! I might have been able to cut off some time if I didn’t have to make a pit stop and walk a little to try and work out the side stitch I got at mile 6.5! I crossed the finish line in 1:49:35! My goal was to do it under 2 hours and I did with room to spare! My one big mistake I made was not taking any water at mile 9, at that point I just wanted to race on to the finish!
OMG! Running through the tunnel of Soldier Field, home of our beloved Bears was just a thrill, I got goose bumps finishing on the 50-yard line! I went straight for the water and shade, and then got my medal and the food goody bag! I found out that the conditions turned to code black, extreme and dangerous conditions. It did get very hot and humid and I heard they did stop the race! It was unusually hot for Chicago in May! You just never know in Chicago! The medical tent was full! We got our pictures taken and time to leave!
I felt great! Thrilled, smelly and hungry, I couldn’t wait to get home to shower, eat and to rest the remainder of the day!
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