Oh, I was so happy when Bob surprised me with one of my favorite vegetables! Besides loving them, they certainly bring on the feeling that spring is among us! I also discovered a new and improved healthy way of enjoying them! We used to dip the leaves in butter, or a spicy aioli dip. I thought we were being healthier when we would drizzle olive oil, balsamic vinegar and sprinkle parmesan cheese over them! Thank God, we never got into stuffing them! Anyway, now we eat them with a squeeze of lemon or with some of my many different types of spicy vinaigrettes, without any oil! Bob has been experimenting with grilling the artichokes and using them in our many different salads! Steamed, grilled, leaves and hearts – I love it all!
Some Artichoke facts…
Since ancient times, the artichoke has been used for liver and gallbladder conditions, 'cleaning' the blood, as well as the bladder. The Egyptians highly prized it as a health and diet food and Plinius described it as the 'food for the rich' because of the health problems contributed to a 'rich' life style - excessive in rich foods, fats and wine that led to liver illnesses (such as cirrhosis), gout and a general run down condition.
Today we know that the artichoke is very high in fiber, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and other trace elements important for a balanced system. It is known to positively help poor liver function (thus helping to lower the blood cholesterol), arteriosclerosis, gout, supports the treatment of hepatitis and improves the gall secretions. It can slightly lower the blood sugar, improve the appetite and digestion, is diuretic and may help some migraine conditions (most especially those caused by toxins in the blood). As it helps the body rid itself of excess water and moves toxins it also has the added side effect of improved skin luminosity.
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