Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Off to the races…

On a more personal note!  When I turned 50 I had it in my head to do another marathon!  That inspiration unfortunately didn’t last long!  I was just starting to get into a training routine when I got the knee pain! I had a MRI  that showed a possible tear in my meniscus and some other medical terms I can’t quite remember. I tried staying off it for a few weeks, that didn’t help.  I went to physical therapy, that didn’t help.  I had a shot of cortisone/steroids, that didn’t help. I had a second opinion, and surgery was suggested!  I told myself I would NOT go for the surgery until I could no longer walk!!!!  So for about a year and a half I basically stayed away from any heavy impact, like running! 

I did some power walking and just started getting into riding my bike a lot!  Well it seems that it all worked out to my benefit – I am running again and so excited to be doing the Soldier field 10 miler on the 29th! 

I was inspired last year when a friend came in from Florida to do the race!  I was on the side line cheering her on and I saw so many familiar faces that I decided to try and see if I could run again.  Like any exercise, I took it slow.  I would run a song and walk 2 songs and eventually - Voila!  I am running!  I am slow, but I am running again and it feels so great!

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