OK, so it was our anniversary and I went overboard! It was a planned pig-out, and oh so yummy and what a treat! I have been really missing and craving the hot dogs. We have a new “gourmet” hot dog place in Chicago that I had been dying to try, Franks ‘N’ Dawgs. Oh, did we ever overindulge, and I will not admit to the extent that we did! Let’s just say the pork loin sausage, Cobb smoked bacon, fried egg and maple syrup reveals a portion of the story! The high sodium and high fat contents helped me put on 5 pounds! Here is what I did to take off those five pounds and put it all behind me and off my behind! With fond memories! I drank tons of H2O to flush out the sodium! I did not starve my self; I just made sure my next meals were all healthy and back on track – NO EXCEPTIONS! I also upped my workout, granted I knew I was going to do a long run on Saturday, but I really pushed myself to go longer! It took a few days, but the pounds are history. As I have said before and I’ll say it again, it is meal-by-meal, not day-by-day!
Until Monday…keep thinking veggies and protein!
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