Thursday, May 27, 2010

New Clothes…

One of the first things people say to me about my weight lose is “it must be fun shopping for new clothes?” Well, not really!  I liked my clothes!  I got to the point that I felt comfortable and felt like I was able to work with what I had!  OK – I went from a size 12/14 to a size 2/4!  Pretty shocking, and yes, that feels GREAT!  Even when I lost weight before a size 8 was a squeeze!  To say the least I had to get rid of A LOT!!!  I hung onto those size 8/10 with wishful thinking for long enough and surpassed them! I was able to do some, very limited, alterations on my sewing machine.  A tailor would have been a small fortune because they would have had to basically re-make/re-cut everything!  I gave a ton away and hope that whoever got some of my favorite things enjoy them as much as I did!

It really was a shock when I showed up to work in clothes that actually started to fit!  I needed new EVERYTHING!  OK, not shoes!  Thank heavens my feet didn’t shrink!  Slowly I am building up another wardrobe!  I am so grateful to those who have given me their hand me downs, you saved my life and gave me variety!  Pay-it-forward!!!!!

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