Friday, April 30, 2010

Coming Soon to a Menu Near YOU...

They've been popping up all over the place: in NYC, in California... And now they're going nationwide. You may not have heard, with all the hubbub about health insurance, but the recently passed health care legislation has laid down a new food-related law: As early as next year, ALL CHAIN RESTAURANTS with 20+ locations will be required to display calorie counts on menus and drive-thru boards. Plus, stats on vending-machine goodies will need to be displayed.  Like I have said many times, I never was big on the fast food chains, or ate a lot of processed foods even before I started eating healthy!  One of my main problems was eating way too many fats – bring on that cheese!  I only hope that this new law will help people make more informed decisions about what they consume!  No more feigning ignorance!  Look for the healthier choices- they will be looking right at you!

Until Monday – keep thinking veggies and protein!

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