Friday, April 16, 2010


Calories eaten at night are more fattening.
It is the total calories that count, not the time of day you eat
them! There is no "witching hour" that makes food more likely to
adhere to your hips! It really matters what you eat during the course
of the day. Excess calories from any source, eaten at any time, will
be stored as fat unless you burn them off. With that said, stopping
nighttime snacking can be an effective diet strategy! It reduces the
amount of high-cal junk food we typically eat in front of the TV after
dinner! I am the typical offender of the dinner and TV routine. I
typically just have a healthy dessert after dinner and was never much
of a junk food junkie! I just need the sweets! If I do feel the
urge, I pick up my knitting needles to distract me from any
temptations, and continue to watch TV!

Until Monday... keep thinking protein and veggies!

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