Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Exercise and Moods…

Wow!  I can really feel a difference if I miss a couple of days of exercise!  I am not sure if it is the guilt or just the fact that I do loose a spring in my step!  I don’t know how people who travel a lot do it.  I guess it is like everything else, you get into a routine that works for you.  I have learned traveling is quite stressful for me especially as of late, because I have made two short trips to the west coast in the last 2 weeks!  It’s always questionable about what to eat, when to exercise and all the compromising.  I made time to get to the gym wherever I was, but it was always about time and not the same workout that I would do if I were at home.  At least I got something in! On the “travel” days I got the airport walking in – I didn’t use the moveable walkways!  The hardest part was getting back home and getting back into my daily routine!  It usually took a day or two to get back in the swing of things.  The trips are behind me now and thank God - they didn’t land on my behind!

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