Springtime, grilling, asparagus these are some of my favorite things. You think you know asparagus, that harbinger of spring? Did you know that asparagus is a member of the lily family, along with onions and garlic? Did you know that asparagus can grow up to 10 inches in a 24-hour period?
Here are some other facts you may find surprising and things you always wanted to know but were afraid to ask!
1. Asparagus historically was heralded as an aphrodisiac, probably because of its phallic shape.
2. Recent research suggests easting asparagus can help ease the pain of the dreaded hangovers and protect liver cells against alcohol’s toxins: It boosts levels of key enzymes that break down the alcohol.
3. About 40 percent (me included) of people experience strong smelling urine after eating asparagus, a sulfurlike odor that results from the digestion of certain amino acids, some people are genetically unable to smell the odiferous urine.
4. Five ounces of asparagus contain 60 percent of the recommended daily intake of folic acid, which prevents heart disease and birth defects. Other possible benefits include preventing cancer and urinary tract infections, easing arthritic pain.
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