Monday, December 6, 2010

Breakfast on the go...
I am not promoting this, but it is something I keep in the back of my mind incase of an emergency!  Your breakfast should account for 20 to 25 percent of your total daily calories with a mix of protein, complex carbs and good fats to chase away those morning stomach growls.  These are the two of the most familiar places that can be found EVERYWHERE!  I have never been a big fan of the fast food craze and really could never get pass the smell of them, even before I started my journey to a healthier me! But, just in case you find yourself in a situation, like shopping, traveling or just on the go, here are 2 ideas!
Pick it:  perfect Oatmeal - 140 calories.  Saturated fat 0.5 grams, sodium 105 milligrams, sugars 0 grams, protein 5 grams, fiber 4 grams
Skip it:  Raspberry scone - 500 calories.  Saturated fat 15 grams, sodium 650 milligrams, sugars 18 grams, protein 8 grams, fiber 2 grams.
Pick it:  Fruit ‘N’ Yogurt Parfait - 130 calories.  Saturated fat 1 gram, sodium 55 milligrams, sugars 19 grams, protein 4 grams, fiber 0 grams.
Skip it: Big Breakfast with Hotcakes - 1150 calories.  Saturated fat 20 grams, sodium 2260 milligrams, sugars 17 grams, protein 36 grams, fiber 7 grams.

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