Friday, December 3, 2010

On a personal note....
OK, I am going to have to reveal something new about myself - yes, I became a “Dancing with the Stars” addict!!!!  One of my favorite seasons was season 10 with Kelly Osborn!  OMG - I became such a fan of hers and now look at her, on the cover of Shape Magazine!  It has been so much fun watching her morph into such a beauty, and promoting her new image in the healthiest way possible - eat healthy and exercise! She is a great role model, she is inspirational!  GO KELLY!
I used to have 2 school of thoughts about my own self image.  1. I just thought I would become comfortable with being overweight and deal with it.  2.  I always said if I was wealthy and didn’t have to work and had a personal trainer and a personal chef I too could have a body like Demi Moore.  Well, it’s never too late! I was even more fortunate - I had the best nutritionist/dietician in the universe!  I have been able to transform my own body and  too have a new found self confidence.  OK - I am not going to be wearing a bikini in public and I am not going to get any plastic surgery (I could use some nips and tucks), but I will keep that extra skip in my step, walk tall and be proud that I was able to accomplish taking off my own 50 pounds.  I say - if I can do it, anyone can do it!  I am still keeping a food journal (week 80) and work-out journal, and I do get on the scale just about everyday.  It’s what works for me and helps keep me focused!
Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein!

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