Friday, December 31, 2010

I was a little discouraged when I got on the scale for my official Monday morning weigh in.  I was good all week and found it amazing that I already took off some of the weight.  Our bodies are amazingly resilient!  Not that I am encouraging going hog wild during the Holiday season, I for one felt like I was spinning out of control!  I tried to eat as healthy as I could and as often as possible!
Tonight I will treat myself to a glass, maybe two, of Champagne, a slice of foie gras and a surprise dessert!  I don’t feel like I need to make a News Years resolution about losing weight and getting in shape this year!  I will continue to keep my diet and exercise journal that have been instrumental in helping me keep on track. I do have some resolutions and I only hope that I can stay as focused on those as I was able to do with the new healthy lifestyle.
To my dear few readers, Happy New Year, out with the old and in with the new!  I wish you great success with whatever your 2011 goals are! 
Don’t forget to have your Hoppin’ Johns tomorrow for good luck!  (see blog 1/1/10)
Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein!

BTW... Back in April (see blog 4/21/10), I started putting a dollar aside for every time I had a worthy strength training session and today I counted $100.00.  What a way to end the Old Year!

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