Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year, New Scale...

A New Year treat to myself and Bob, I finally got a new scale, and it is digital and now I know my weight right down to the ounce! Ha Ha! - not sure if it is such a good idea!  I am having more fun weighing our big cat Shmooh.  He is down 3 ounces - that’s a lot in cat weight.  ME - well I am more inspired than ever to get this Holiday weight OFF!  I do believe in weighing myself daily.  Like I have said, it is what works for me.  I am not necessarily obsessed, it just helps me determine if I will have an extra treat, or if I have to do an extra mile on the treadmill.  Monday mornings is my official weigh in day for the week.  My diet journals go from Monday to Sunday, therefore the first thing I do on Monday is jot down my weight!  I am on week 85, and believe me, keeping a daily journal has become a habit and holds me accountable!  I can look back now and see what I have to do to get my weight back down and back to maintaining!  

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