Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Today is going to be shot and sweet because of yesterdays double feature!!!

A little reinforcement.....

With everyone starting the “NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS” based on healthy eating and exercise, remember... Don’t let one slip-up throw you!!!!
If you eat an extra cookie, you probably won’t gain weight. BUT if you say to yourself, “I can’t believe I just did that!  I might as well eat whatever I want the rest of the day and start my diet again tomorrow, “ you could easily gain two pounds over night!  Think of it this way - if you make a mistake and go through a red light, would you continue to go through red lights for the rest of the day?  Of course not!  Believe me, I am always thinking of my next meal and that has been my motto over the last year and a half - meal to meal!!!! GET BACK ON THE WAGON!!!!

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