Monday, January 24, 2011

Purge, purge, purge...
I am devoted to making 2011 the year of the purge!  I found that after I purged my weight, I did a major purge in my closet!  Remember, I had to replace almost everything - right down to my skivivies! Here are some tips to get you started and motivated!
Empty out your entire closet and start making piles.  Sort them into three categories: toss, give away, and keep. 
Toss:  Anything that's damaged beyond repair or too worn out to donate with a clear conscience should go into the toss pile. 
Give away: Pieces that are out of style, don't fit and most likely never will, or that you no longer like get thrown into the giveaway stack.
Keep:  The keep bin is only for clothing that meets three criteria: You love it, it fits you now, and you've worn it within the last year and know you'll continue to wear it. If you think you'll be indecisive about which pieces should go in which pile, I get my husband, or you can get an unsentimental friend to help. Jettison the giveaway items either by donating them to a charity or selling them at an online auction site, like craiglslist or eBay.
Than adopt a new shopping rule! Once you've determined how many items you can keep in your closet without it getting out of control, be rigorous with new purchases. When you buy something new, an existing piece should go!. Another maintenance strategy: Use the change of seasons to review your wardrobe. Get rid of items you didn't end up wearing, as well as clothes for the upcoming season that no longer appeal to you. 
Now that our closets are purged and organized, it’s time to work on the rest of the house!  2011 is my year to downsize!  I am a big fan of craigslist and already got rid of a closet filled with old camera equipment, very sentimental, but taking up unnecessary space!  GOOD LUCK!

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