Friday, January 21, 2011


This time of year can get very inspirational with everyones New Year resolutions to get healthy. So much information in every magazine and tons of information on the internet and in newspapers.  All the success stories of people losing weight and how they transformed themselves.  I just finished reading my People Magazine, a little late, but I am just getting caught up after the crazy Holiday season!  Everyone has such different stories, how they got there and how they met their goals.  

I for one needed a little inspiration! I must admit I put on a few too many pounds over the Holidays!  Now I am back on track and getting my focus mojo back!  It is harder than I thought it would be.  I was able to look back on my food and exercise journals to see what I was doing this time last year.  OK - back to basics for me!  While I was maintaining for the last 12 months I was able to incorporate a few of my favorite foods back into the scenario, but for now, I have to get focused and back on track and cut out those "treats" until I can maintain once again! Five pounds doesn't sound like much, but being that it is winter I am not able to just go outside and do a two hour run on the weekends to burn it off!  The fact is I am not as active period right now and it is proving to be a struggle!  I am still doing my weight training and trying to get in as much cardio as possible and of course being very careful of what I eat.  Like I said, five pounds doesn't sound like much, but five weeks to try and take it off does!  I already vow to be more careful this year during the Holiday season!

So with all the thinspirational stories to read about - start making up your own!
BTW - my biggest regret wasn't taking a really good before picture! 

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