Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Plan your meals... 
Bob and I just started doing this every Sunday!  We go over our busy schedules and figure out what we are going to eat and what what we need for the week. I also know, this week I am cooking dinner on Sunday! Besides being more organized, we are finding that this new method is helping us budget better and be a lot less wasteful on our pockets and our waistline! It’s now OK to get four skinless, boneless chicken breasts, we grill or smoke them all up, have what we need for dinner and the rest will be portioned out and some will go in the freezer for my future lunches! Healthy eating shouldn’t be thought as a punishment!  Instead it should be something that makes you feel good and look good and leads to a healthier YOU!  If you start to consider healthy eating as a gift rather than punishment, you will be more likely to make smart choices and be happy while doing it!  Planning is a key factor!
If you don’t want life to get in the way of your good-eating intentions, you have to anticipate and outsmart obstacles: namely, high-cal fatty foods that seem to be lurking around every corner. One way to do this is to plan what you eat in advance.  I make sure I have enough salad components for my lunches, and planning ahead for what we want for dinners.  A good time to think of any social obligations for the week and to plan accordingly!  I check the freezer to see if I need any extra proteins and frozen berries for my fat free Greek yogurt smoothies!  This won’t happen over night, but once you get in the habit of planning - it just gets easier on so many levels!  I have also learned something new about myself - IF I DON”T WRITE IT DOWN - I WILL MOST LIKELY FORGET!!!  Plan away!!!

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