Thursday, December 2, 2010

Trying to understanding your cravings....

You've probably noticed that you feel your strongest food yens at specific times of the day.
Mid-morning (from about 10-11) and Mid-afternoon food cravings (from about 3-6 p.m.)
By far the greatest number of cravings occur late in the day, when our blood glucose drops, making us sluggish and in need of a lift.  All it takes now is a cue— food adds all over the internet and cookies and candy all over the office. 
When we're upset or bored or need stress relief
Bad moods frequently give rise to cravings. We imagine that if we eat a cookie or a chocolate bar, we'll feel better—and often we do. Carbohydrates—sweet or starchy foods—increase the secretion of the brain chemical serotonin, which in turn can improve mood and provide temporary stress relief.
Food cravings are common when it's cold and dark out.
Short, wintry days can encourage carb cravings for foods like bread and pasta. People who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (aka SAD, which is depression related to diminished sunlight-exposure) may be especially affected and crave carb-rich foods to help themselves feel better.
Food cravings happen at times when we're accustomed to eating.
Our bodies often associate food cravings with happy times we've had in the past. When we're at the ballpark, for example, we might crave a hot dog with the works instead of other more healthy meals; if a summer-night trip to the ice-cream parlor was a family tradition, we may find ourselves nursing sugar cravings for an ice-cream cone instead of choosing healthy snacks when the weather gets warm.

How to manage your food craving - discover when food craving triggers tend to hit and how to effectively fight back.
Forewarned is forearmed: If you know a craving is going to strike, you can plan healthy snacks and healthy meals to eat at those times, or find other distractions rather than surrendering. Here are proven methods to help tame your cravings:
Crave-proof your home and office by banishing crave-worthy foods and making healthy snacks and meals readily available.
The simplest way to quash sugar cravings or carb cravings is to ban crave-worthy foods from your environment. If you do buy snack foods like chips or cookies, choose small packages or individually wrapped portions to avoid going overboard.
Here are three other ways to make healthy snacks easily available to defeat sugar cravings and carb cravings.
  1. Cut up and bag carrots, radishes, broccoli and celery sticks in advance and pack them with some fat free Greek yogurt.
  2. Pirates Booty is great if you crave the idea of popcorn or chips.
  3. Keep fruit washed and ready to slice with bombell or laughing cow light cheese..
Address your stress and emotional overeating.
If your food cravings hit when you're anxious or stressed, seek consolation in other ways instead of emotional overeating. What is it that you really need? A comforting conversation with a co-worker or just getting up from your desk and taking a walk!  I know how difficult this time of year is, just keep your focus and choose your battles and you can make it through without over indulging and putting on the unnecessary pounds!  YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

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