Wednesday, December 8, 2010

You can get a workout in while you shop...
Keeping with the theme this week of the season and shopping - with all the running around we have to do for the Holidays, you might not have the time to get your full workout in, well here are a few tips for “the mall”.  Taking the stairs instead of the elevators or escalator will help burn those calories.  I also use my packages as dumbbells and do some arm work with them, or just all the shlepping is a workout!  I know those packages are getting heavy - but park your car at the furthest end of the lot and gain some walking milage, or better yet, make a few trips back and forth to your car.  OK - we don’t own a car, so I will be lugging my packages on foot and via bus! In Chicago, we have  “the Magnificent Mile” of shopping on Michigan Avenue!  Back and forth and up and down in the vertical “malls” - dodging the other shoppers, that my friends is a real workout!  

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