Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Who doesn't love a bargain....

I know I love free samples, or shopping around for a great bargain and of course watching for sales!  But when it comes to food, you really need to step back and think about it!  There are so many scenarios!  Let's start with going into just about any market these days;  Whole Foods, Trader Jo’s and Costco - you can practically get a whole meal in while you shop!  It’s a great marketing, but these little taste offerings can be detrimental to any weight lose program!  You think you are just getting a taste, but those tastes are most likely loaded with "unwanted" calories and before you know it, you have gone over your limit!  I try to never go into a market hungry these days!

I don't want to sound ungrateful about this scenario, but it needs to be addressed!  Every Wednesday, one of our beloved restaurants caters lunch for our office.  It is a wonderful thing and I used to take full advantage of "free lunch".  It was the one day of the week that I didn't have to brown bag it or even think about lunch!  This was one of the hardest habits to break!  After so many years of working at the corporate office, I have a pretty good idea of what will be on the menu and can plan accordingly.  Some lunches are more challenging than others.  90% of the time I can at least count on a salad being available, and  I always have one of my many vinaigrettes and always a protein on hand. It might be a can of solid white tuna in water, but it is better than the alternative!  So when I am going through the buffet line, my coworkers sometimes feel the need to justify or confess what and why they are eating what they are eating.  My favorite line is "it's free and it is the only day of the week I am bad".  Well for me, that’s no excuse!  Wow! If I am going to be "bad", it is going to be on my terms and for something that is really well worth my while and something I am really craving!  Bring on the foie gras, BLT's popovers, Gilts bone marrow, Frankie's Rita D pizza and just about any kind of cookie!  Those are some of my favorite things that I consider a real treat!  Wednesday family style, buffet lunch isn’t that much a treat for me any longer!  It really is all about planning ahead!  And of course - choosing your battles and thinking meal to meal!

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