Thursday, December 30, 2010

That time again to start thinking about the New Year Resolutions...
I thought this was a great article to get me ready for the New Year and reflect on how I made it through last year!
3 Ways to Miss Your Goal
If you boil life down to a few fundamental concepts, goals are sure to be on the list. Much of life is about the goals you set and the journey you take to achieve them. Accomplish your goals - or even fail while trying your best - makes you a better person; don't give it your all (or don't set goals in the first place) and you'll likely float adrift in life's waters and end up somewhere you never intended (or wanted) to be. Here are three ways to miss a popular goal - weight loss. Make sure you're not guilty of any of the following.
Over Do It
Enthusiasm is key when you're trying to lose weight, but jump in headfirst and without any sense of pacing, and you'll likely fail. Any good plan requires good planning; when it comes to weight loss, that means you need sensible goals and a plan of attack that's reasonable, not extreme. Deprive yourself of all your favorite foods or become a slave to the gym, and you'll burn out fast.
Make Excuses
Whether you're fit as a fiddle or struggling with your weight, we've all had those days when working out and eating right were last on our list. The difference is in the choices we make - to fit in that workout or prepare that healthy meal, regardless of time constraints; or make every excuse imaginable for why we can't. Remember, you're only as busy as you convince yourself you are.
Lose Focus
Focus is the ultimate tool for achieving any goal; that means focusing on exactly what you're trying to accomplish and then making sure you retain that focus throughout the process. Start off vaguely and with limited direction, and you'll steer south before you know it. Instead, outline how much weight you want to lose, when you want to lose it by, and exactly how you'll get there, step by step.

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