Wednesday, December 15, 2010

So sad :( 

The bike is now put away for the winter!  We had our first snow last week and I just get a little timid riding my bike on the snow and ice!  I have all the water proof and cold proof clothing - it certainly isn’t the cold that determined this decision, just the ice!  Maybe next year I will try out some winter tires!  I only had two casualties this last year.  Who would of thought new brakes required a new skill?  Panic, brake, over the handle bars!  Thank GOD I was wearing my helmet - I NEVER RIDE MY BIKE WITHOUT IT!!!!!
My superman husband, with as much help as I could muster up, moved the treadmill from the master bedroom to the guest room!  It was far from an easy task!  OK - now we can call it a mini gym, but don’t worry, there is still plenty of room for guests!  That was a huge workout in itself!  Lifting and moving, lifting and moving and now more lifting and putting things away!  Now I have no excuses to keep me from my cardio workouts!  I will miss the outdoors.  Like I have mentioned - it isn’t the cold, it is the ice.  The last thing I want to do is injure myself!  The treadmill and the stationary bike, might not be as fun as the outdoors, but they will keep me safe and sound until the elements all melt away!

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