Monday, March 28, 2011

I sympathize with the people that have celiac disease and really need to be on a gluten-free diet.  I’m just not sure I am sold on the idea of going gluten-free to be on a “diet”!
I am delighted that the food industry has made the “gluten-free” awareness available on so many products as well as going out to eat! I have seen special “gluten free” sections on just about every menu! At the same time, gluten has become a huge business. Sales of gluten-free products grew about 30 percent a year from 2006 to 2010, and will hit $3.9 billion by next year, according to the market research companies. Supermarket shelves are filled with gluten-free breads, soups, and cake mixes—even gluten-free ketchup and soy sauce. According to market research firms  10 percent of new foods launched in 2010 featured a "gluten-free" claim, up from only 2 percent 5 years earlier.
You don't need to go gluten-free to avoid refined processed carbs! Ironically, the boom in gluten-free products isn't necessarily helpful to those looking to lose weight. You can buy gluten-free versions of practically every type of wheat-based food— pizza, pasta, cookies, you name it. But here's the catch: Healthy-sounding gluten-free items often contain just as many calories as the originals. People might overindulge in gluten-free options because they seem like "safe" foods. People see 'gluten- free' and think they can down an entire box of gluten-free cookies with no repercussions. So even if you stick to a gluten-free diet, it can actually lead to weight gain. 

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