Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Red Onion...
I love raw red onions in my salad.  Of all the different colored onions, the red onion is the most mild and sweet onion.  I personally don’t like to cook heated dishes with red onion because it doesn’t produce enough onion flavor to enhance my meal. (Cooking an onion diminishes its flavor, but increases the flavor of the food around it).  I also love grilling them!  All onions are the same in most respects, they have layers, they make your breath smell, and they make your eyes water.  
Some benefits of the red onion;
Blood-Sugar Level
The more red onion you eat, the lower your blood-sugar glucose levels will be. This is because of allyl propyl disulfide and chromium, both of which are are found in red onions.
Red onions reduce inflammation in the bones and throat, as well as in blood vessels. This reduces many of the symptoms of osteoporosis, asthma and even the common cold.
Gastrointestinal Health
If you are looking to lower your chances of colon cancer and related diseases, add red onions to your diet at least twice a week. Quercitin, one of the flavinoids found in onions, is known to be very beneficial to gastrointestinal health.
A study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that red onions are also beneficial to overall bone health. A compound known as GPCS is responsible for this, and it does so by inhibiting cells that break down bones.
Cardiovascular Health
The chromium and vitamin B6 found in onions helps to increase cardiovascular health. Specifically, these compounds lower blood pressure and cholesterol.
Just beware of who you are going to be breathing on after you have that raw red onion!!

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