Friday, March 18, 2011

Share your diet details respectfully...
I know sometimes I am guilty of this and it’s something I have to work on! You feel great since you started eating healthier, and naturally you want to share that with the world. But if your friends aren't ready to assess their eating habits, pushing them to avoid foods loaded with fat, salt, and sugar could feel like an ambush. Smugly waving food away with an, "I don't eat that crap," or "Do you know what's in that?" might actually make them redouble their efforts to sway you, or stay away from you!  Everyone’s ideas about what is healthy and what isn’t varies immensely.  There is so much more to food than what meets the eye.  Just because it is vegetables doesn’t mean it’s healthy.  It is all about the preparation!  Vegetables loaded with butter or drenched in oil, I stay away from.
If you don't want to be hassled about your eating choices, don't put your friends on the spot either. Wait until they express interest in your diet. Then humbly share the details.  This is what got me started on actually writing this blog!  My new favorite thing to say is, “I choose not to eat it,”  If anyone asks me to explain, I am more than happy to!
Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein!

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