Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Pears have been recognized as one of the 20 most popular fruits by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and it’s no wonder why! They are an excellent source of fiber and a good source of vitamin C for only 100 calories per serving. And, they’re sodium free, fat free, and cholesterol free.  That’s a lot of nutrition in one sweet and juicy package!  Pears have been showing up lately at work in the fruit mix we get on a weekly basis, and I for one have been enjoying them! These are some of the most popular pears:

Comice - The variety is succulent, creamy, and very sweet. 
Bosc - Bosc pears have a crunchier, crisper bite than their relatives, bosc pears are more ideal for baking, broiling, or poaching than other varieties, and are less likely to be overwhelmed by spices.
Anjou - These pears, which are of French origin, have an egg-shaped body, a green skin, and a juicy, soft flesh. Unlike some other types of pears, anjous do not change color as they ripen, and remain green even when fully ripe.
Bartlett - This familiar variety has a rounded bell shape and the definitive flavor that most people would describe of a pear. They have a smooth texture and sweet flavorRed Bartlett
Asian - They are crisp and juicy, with a sweeter, mellower flavor and a floral smell. 
I love how the female body shape is compared to fruit; banana, apple and pear!  OK - the perfect body is compared to the hourglass!

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