Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Stepping out of your comfort zone...

When your body grows accustomed to performing the same exercise over and over, it starts to get better at it.  The result - each move requires less effort, so you burn fewer calories.
You can fix it by stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new routines.   A great start to ramp up your cardio try doing interval training, (short bursts of high-speed effort).  This got me through the winter months on my treadmill with the added benefit an picking up my pace!  I am really motivated now to take off some time this year on my Soldier Field 10 miler race!  Also, adding the bosu ball to my strength training has made some significant changes in my overall core strength!  New activities sizzle more calories by activating different muscle groups!  Mixing it up, trying new routines will keep you motivated to keep working out and moving towards a healthier you!

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