Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Spoonful here, a spoonful there...
Oops!  There goes the diet!
OMG!  You know the drill!  You are stirring along and suddenly that spoon is in your mouth and you have managed to gulp a wallop of red sauce!  Worse is if you are baking and it's the batter!  Bites, licks and tastes, consider the numbers!  Cake batter, one lick equals 65 calories, red sauce, one spoonful equals 80 calories and what about that handful of shredded cheese, there goes 100 calories! Once you start, it's hard to stop and before you know it you already ate half a meal! 
I know this has been something I have to be especially conscience of!  Luckily, most of the time when I am cooking it is something healthy and I am able to munch on the veggies.  If not, I try to have some cut up carrots on hand to avoid the spoonfuls!  When Bob is home cooking, it is usually on his days off and he is cooking while I am at work and so there is no call for alarm!  Ninety five percent of the time it is all healthy cooking at home.  We really try not to have anything tempting in the house! It's just another situation that you have to beware of, and it does get easier!

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