Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Go with the Grains...

Unlike refined grains, such as white rice and flour, the whole ones haven't had their bran and germ removed, and it is those layers that are packed with fiber, magnesium and other heart-healthy vitamins and minerals!
Munching on whole grains adds fiber and complex carbohydrates which of course are MUCH better than the refined white carbs for your diet. When the carbs are complex, they break down more slowly, keeping them in your system longer, and since your body processes them slowly, you don't crash. This also keeps your insulin levels steady - a good thing, since insulin spikes tell your body to hold on to fat.  Not only will they keep you full longer, they may also protect your ticker!!!  
For my grain event and those days that I know I have a lot to do and not sure when I am going to have a chance to eat again, I go for that 1/2 a cup of oats and have my oatmeal in the morning (see blog 2/3/2011). One of my other tricks, if I don't know where or what will be available for lunch, I pack an almond butter and some low sugar jam on some whole grain bread. Also great for traveling! These are my emergencies, otherwise I really try and stay away from the carbs! 

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