Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Not to put a label on it...
I know I get confused sometimes with food labels, so don't let food labels fool you. Many fat-free foods are actually loaded with sugar.  And too much sugar is often the real reason people gain weight. More importantly, your brain doesn't work as well when you eat a lot of sugar. Candy, cookies and soda aren't the only culprits. Sugar is in virtually every food you eat - breads, crackers, pretzels, chips—that's sugar.  Don’t forget about all the other nutrition ignition; serving size, calories, saturated and trans fats. cholesterol, fiber and sodium!  I am getting so much better at reading labels and comparing labels it’s becoming second nature to me!  It kind of goes hand in hand with “don’t judge a book by it’s cover’!  READ IT!

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